
Product-Service-System for Micro Apartments

The room climate has a major influence on our well-being. With the modular Aircoustics Product-as-a-service concept, residents of a micro apartment can arrange a room climate system that is tailored to their needs.

Household Size in Germany 2018
1 Person
42 %
2 Persons
34 %
3 Persons
12 %
More than 3 Persons
12 %

Source: C&W, Statista 2019



The way we work and live has changed in recent years. Young people in particular want to participate in the urban life of the big cities and prefer short distances.  The market for micro-apartments has developed out of the classic student residences and out of the more traditional temporary living. One trend driving this development is the increasing number of one-person households, which has been rising for years. But living in a confined space also has some disadvantages. The kitchen, living room and bedroom are often not separated from each other. The room climate can deteriorate and dirty air enters by opening the windows.



At the beginning of the project we examined some micro apartments and talked to the residents. Later we were able to use the key findings to create suitable ideas. At the same time we analysed the market and the competitors who sell climate products for small apartments. The analysis showed that none of the products integrated aesthetically into the room. Most air filters and air conditioners appear too clean and intrusive within the small room. 

Andreas Kissling Kißling Strategic Designer HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd Design Portfolio brainstorming design thinking
Andreas Kissling Strategic Designer HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd Design Portfolio dot healthcare innovation aircoustics design sketching product design



How might we create the optimal „well-being-climate“ for micro-apartment residents ?

A good indoor climate includes a pleasant room temperature, optimum humidity, excellent air quality, the right lighting mood and the acoustics in the room. Our favoured idea was a kind of room divider, which integrates itself through the Color Material Finish into the apartment like a piece of furniture and embodies the  characteristics mentioned above.



After some iterations and previous paper mockups, the final prototype was designed in CAD and rebuilt in original scale. It was important for us to use the large surface by using powerful technology, but to design the product as slim as possible. The rear-mounted door allows for user-friendly maintenance. The Aircoustics products can be placed in the room or mounted on the wall. The various modular products can be connected via the user interface and centrally controlled. 

Andreas Kissling Strategic Designer HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd Design Portfolio dot healthcare innovation aircoustics design sketching product design model building workshop



The Aircoustics products are part of a service. Since many residents of micro apartments live on a rental basis, the modular products can be added seasonally. In some cases, even the complex installation of a heating or air conditioning systems could be replaced. In addition, the value of the property is preserved for a longer period of time because Aircoustics prevents the occurrence of moldiness.

In terms of design, the harmoniously curved shape visually underpins the aspect of optimum air circulation in the room.

Andreas Kissling Strategic Designer HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd Design Portfolio dot healthcare innovation aircoustics design sketching product design
Andreas Kissling Strategic Designer HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd Design Portfolio dot healthcare innovation aircoustics design sketching product design
Andreas Kissling Strategic Designer HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd Design Portfolio dot healthcare innovation aircoustics product design rendering UI User interface heat control temperature
Team Members

Marcus Angerer
Tim Pfeiffer
Andreas Kissling


Project Info

Wintersemester 2017 / 2018
Product Design VI

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schade


Cinema 4D | Solid Works | Keyshot Photoshop|InDesign | Illustrator | 3D Printing

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